A Graphic Anatomy of Victory: NJ, DE, MD (w/maps)

This is the third in a series of diaries graphically depicting the Democratic victory in this year’s midterm elections.

Today we will be looking at how the election went in New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.  No seats changed hands in these states, below are maps of the the current state of party control.

Of 1,822,786 votes cast in the 2006 New Jersey House races 983,747 votes (54%) were cast for Democrats while 815,871 votes (45%) were cast for Republican candidates.

In Maryland, 1,581,195 votes were cast with 1,017,276 (64.3%)for Democrats, while 544,508 votes (34.4%) were cast for Republicans.

In Delaware, the Republican candidate won with 57.2% of the vote.

Looking at vote margins, the only close race in these states was in the NJ-07 where the Republican candidate won by a margin of 3,259 votes (1.9%), with the Democratic candidate garnering 47.8% to the Republican’s 49.5%.   The Democratic 2006 performance is a 6.2% improvement over the 2004 Democratic vote share.  This should be a target for 2008.

Tier 0

Race      D%      R%     Margin    2006 D Cand.

No races meet the criteria for this tier.

Tier 1

Race      D%      R%     Margin    2006 D Cand.

NJ-07     47.8    49.5   1.7       Linda Stender

Tier 2

Race      D%      R%     Margin    2006 D Cand.

No races meet the criteria for this tier.

4 thoughts on “A Graphic Anatomy of Victory: NJ, DE, MD (w/maps)”

  1. I continued to post these diaries over at MYDD and Kos.

    For some reason starting with this one, I forgot to post here, and once I realized what had happened, I never got caught up.

    I’m going to be taking some time away from Kos for a while, but I want to continue this series.

    I’m going to catch up with posting the ones I’ve already completeted here, and then I’m going to post the rest of the series here.

    It’s probably a better home in the long run.

    And I do want to finish off the series, and I think that what I’ve been doing fits in with the 2008 Race Tracker.  And I will try to help out as much as possible.

  2. I love this series, but even though no seats changed hands, I’m still interested in the margin-of-victory and performance-vs-2004 type information you did in the other diaries.

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